ARDK 1.2 does not work across M1 and Intel Macs

Include the following details while filing a bug report (edit as applicable):

  • Issue category: ARDK in Unity Editor
  • Device type & OS version: Unity Editor
  • Host machine & OS version: Mac
  • Issue Environment : Unity Remote / Unity Mock
  • Xcode version: N/A
  • ARDK version: 1.2.0
  • Unity version: 2020.3.24f1

Bug reproduction steps:

Recently my colleague upgraded ARDK to 1.2.0 on an M1 Mac, after he pushed Assets/csc.rsp and Assets/mcs.rsp had the IN_ROSETTA define in, which points the plugin position to DOES_NOT_EXIST in the editor. So even though I’m developing on an Intel chip machine, this define will prevent ARDK from running in editor.

Is there a simple workaround to allow ARDK still runs on Intel Macs but not crashing on M1 Macs? (Probably more Unity related) Does those 2 files important or could be used in any other circumstances? Or can we safely ignore it from git?


Can you try adding “csc.rsp” and “mcs.rsp” to your “.gitignore”? If the issue persists can you please share any exception logs?

Hi Seph,

Hopefully, your issue has been resolved. Please open a new topic, on the Lightship Community Forum, if more help is needed.
