How can I place objects in multiple wayspots with Wayspot anchors?

How can I manage multiple wayspots in one app?

How can I place objects in multiple wayspots with Wayspot anchors?

Hello Noriko,

To assist you more efficiently can you please elaborate more about what you are trying to do?
Basically, it is recommended that the user should localize with only one VPS-activated Wayspot per VPS session.
Please refer to this document here.
There’s also the possibility to enable Continuous Localization, which can be used to ensure that the system will keep attempting to localize, even after one wayspot is localized against so that the end-user can move to a new wayspot and still localize against it and load up its associated anchors.

For placing objects in multiple wayspots, anchors are linked to specific wayspots so there’s no way to restrain an anchor to multiple wayspots.


Reading the references solved the problem.
Thank you very much.

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