How do I place an object at a touched location during semantic segmentation?

Include the following details (edit as applicable):

  • Issue category: Semantic Segmentation
  • Device type & OS version: iOS 15.2
  • Host machine & OS version: Mac on Monterey 12.2.1
  • Xcode version: 13.2.1
  • ARDK version: 1.2.0
  • Unity version: 2019.4

Description of the issue:How do I place an object at a touched location during semantic segmentation? For example, display an object on a flower.

Hi Noriko,

I suggest checking out this Basic Placement Tutorial. This tutorial uses the readymade managers from ARDK which allows you to place an object on the floor, wall, or at specific points that match the mesh generated over the physical location. I hope this helps.