Large build size with Unity

  • Issue category: Semantic Segmentation / Multiplayer / Real-time Mapping-Depth / ARDK Documentation / Unity Example Package / Sample App aka ‘AR Voyage’ / ARDK Virtual Studio Tools / Developer Tools / Networking / VPS
  • Device type & OS version: Android
  • Host machine & OS version: Mac
  • Issue Environment : On Device
  • ARDK version: 1.3.0
  • Unity version: 2021.2.16f1

Description of the issue:
My APK/AAB build size after adding Niantic lightship to Unity is around 30MB larger than my previous build size. It brings me over the 150MB limit for Play store requirements.
After following recommendations from reducing build size from Unity, I have already reduced my user assets down to 6MB, and can’t reduce it much further.
I am only using Niantic Lightship for basic AR functions including Plane manager, placing objects.
Does anyone have any recommendations on things like scripts to delete or settings to change that can help reduce the build size?

Hello Kelvin,

We have a few suggestions for you.

  1. There is a massive Yeti model that you should remove first ARDKExamples/Common/Prefabs/Yeti.
  2. There are a number of prefabs/materials/etc in ARDKExamples/Common that are probably safe to remove if you are not using them.
  3. Apart from those any script from ARDKExamples that you are not using should also be safe to remove.

Please let us know if this helps to reduce your APK size.

You can separate the apk and obb to upload to the play store with whatever size

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