My 3D assets appear once, disappear after a minute and never reappear again.

Include the following details (edit as applicable):

  • Issue category: Lightship Maps

  • Device type & OS version: Android

  • Host machine & OS version: Windows

  • Issue Environment : Unity

  • ARDK version: last

  • Unity version:

Description of the issue:
I placed GLB 3D assets in the streets and parks of Paris for the Olympic Games, but some appear about 30 seconds to 1 minute, then disappear and never reappear (after reinstalling Build Unity/android, and rebooting the Samsung S21 Ultra smartphone).

Do you have a solution? If you’d like some Unity screenshots, let me know what you need.
Many thanks


Some recordings of the issue would be very helpful, if you can provide some that would be much appreciated!

Maintenant, mon asset 3D n’apparait plus du tout, c’est justement le problème… Si je vous enregistre ma vu téléphone, il n’y aura rien :slight_smile:

Hello, I’m sorry for the delayed reply. Are you able to generate error messages of any kind? What do you think about the internet connectivity at the location? Is it good or bad? That might affect why sometimes objects won’t appear