Temporary sign affecting VPS scans?

Include the following details (edit as applicable):

  • Issue category: VPS
  • Device type & OS version: iPhone 14 Pro on iOS 17.5.1

Description of the issue:
I’m trying to get VPS working well at this location: 35.340589, -85.127431
When viewing the mesh in the geospatial browser, it seems that some scans were uploaded by someone else while there was a temporary sign posted, reading “LIVE MUSIC, GREAT FOOD”. This sign was for a particular event and removed a long time ago. I think this may be preventing the Wayfarer app from picking up the permanent “Bakewell Community Center” sign and building a good mesh of it.

Is there a way for the just older scans containing that temporary sign to be removed, and for the mesh to be rebuilt including the newer scans? Or would I have to start from scratch and re-scan the sign all over again at all different times of day to get a good mesh?

As a side note, are flat signs good targets for scanning? Or would it be better if the scans were taken of the front or corner of a building that has more 3 dimensional depth, like awnings, overhangs, windows and columns?

Hello, thanks for reaching out! As you mentioned prior, you will need to upload more consistent higher quality scans such that the overall mesh quality should improve. If you haven’t already, I’d also recommend checking out our best scanning practices to get the best results. Also, depending on your use case or if you simply would like to start testing, you could always opt for using test scans instead of public scans. You can find the documentation here.

Thanks for your reply, Josh. I don’t believe your link to the documentation embedded in your post. Could you provide that again, please?

Sure, both of the links are below. If they don’t work or if you have follow up questions, be sure to reach out again!
The best scanning practices are here: https://lightship.dev/docs/ardk/how-to/vps/tooling/install_and_use_niantic_wayfarer/#scanning-best-practices
The test scan documentation is here: https://lightship.dev/docs/ardk/how-to/vps/tooling/manage_test_scans/.

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