Testing VPS via new Scanniverse Beta on Android not possible

  • Issue category: Developer Tools
  • Device type & OS version: Android 13
  • Issue Environment : On Device
  • Xcode version: n/a
  • ARDK version: n/a
  • Unity version: n/a

Bug reproduction steps:
Using the Scanniverse beta for Android to access the Geospartial Browser via the Developer mode does not allow you to test VPS on activated Wayspots. Even though the App has been granted access to the camera the Geospartial Browser thinks that no permission has been given, locking you out from testing VPS.

I am unsure if this bug report belongs here, but as it affects the Geospartial Browser I’m giving it here.

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Hi Tobias,

Thank you for sharing this with us! I’ve passed it along to our internal engineering team to diagnose and advise on. I will get back to you once I hear back.

Kind regards,
Maverick L.

This problem has been solved with the 2.0.1 beta version for Android and testing VPS is now possible!

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