There is no scanned and uploaded 3D data

Hi @rob_link

It is possible that scans for public wayspots can be rejected due to a variety of reasons, including insufficient lighting. Scans for public wayspots may also be rejected for other reasons such as poor scan quality, too much blur, or the scan featuring too much of the ground rather than the scan target. Please keep in mind that these limitations do not apply to private scans.

My hope is to have a system judge the quality at the completion of the scan.
I can uncover problems early and proceed to resolve them sooner.
As I have asked below, 110 scans were performed and only 36 were accepted. As a result, the quality was Low.

I am using an iPhone 12 Pro with LiDAR.
Let me ask an additional question.
For Wayspot that is determined to be Low, an additional scan is performed and uploaded. If I then request activation again, will the quality ever change from Low to Production?