Unity + Lightship Shared Object Interaction template - cannot get Unity to build Xcode project to Mac Finder

Include the following details (edit as applicable): Unity unable to build Xcode project to Mac Finder

  • Issue category: Multiplayer / Networking
  • Device type & OS version: iOS project
  • Host machine & OS version: Mac
  • Issue Environment : On Device
  • Xcode version: 13.4.1
  • ARDK version: 2.1.0
  • Unity version: 2021.3.7f1

Description of the issue:
Hello! First time posting here.

I’m having an issue getting Unity to build out my Xcode project so I can see if from the Finder. I followed the Shared Object Detection tutorial from Lightship (Shared Object Interaction – Niantic Lightship) and it keeps failing. Tried recreating it from scratch a few times.

When I follow the ARDK Ball Demo (here: The Basics – Niantic Lightship) this version of Unity and Xcode are building to the Finder as expected and I am able to deploy to my iPhone so it’s not completely not working.

However when I use the Shared Object Interaction demo, I cannot get Unity to output the Xcode project to the Finder.

Can anyone help? Has anyone else run into this issue? Thanks a bunch!

Hello @Wai_Son_Wong, welcome to the Lightship forums!

To help us better understand the issue, could you elaborate on what exactly happens when attempting to create a build of your project in Unity? Does Unity throw any error messages into the console window? Any screenshots that you can provide demonstrating what you see would also help us troubleshoot the issue.