๐ŸŽ‰ We're making easy-to-use Lightship templates and tools for popular AR use cases! Check it out!

Access Lightship ARDK Templates Here

Hey Lightship community!

Our team has been working hard to roll out tools and templates for Lightship developers. Weโ€™ll be including

  • Polished meshing setup
  • Leaderboard quickstart
  • Easy object placement
  • Shared AR setup (IN DEVELOPMENT)
  • Pause menu quickstart (IN DEVELOPMENT)

Check it out here and let me know if you have any questions, comments, or suggestions! Weโ€™d love to hear what tools and templates would be most useful to the community :rocket:

Loak Team

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Wow. this is superb. Can you kindly see the possibility of adding a sample scene with the recently released scanning framework? Like making copies of a real-world object in AR?
Thanks team!

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Currently, weโ€™re working on creating tools for shared AR, but we can definitely look in to fitting that feature in the roadmap, thanks for trying out the template :grin: