Where is the mesh saved after scanned (?)

In the scanning example, where is the mesh saved, and in what format? (Is there further documentation on the specifics here?)


Here’s the detailed documentation: Getting Started with the Scanning Framework — Niantic Lightship Augmented Reality Developer Kit release-2.5.1 documentation

Specifically, step 4 has the information to handle processed scan mesh results. Please let me know if you have further questions.

im stuck at step 4 at the start method where _scanManager.OnScanResult += ScanResultHandler; is showing an error at OnScanResult

This is my code
using Niantic.ARDK.AR;
using Niantic.ARDK.AR.Scanning;
using Niantic.ARDK.Extensions;
using Niantic.ARDK.Extensions.Scanning;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Events;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class ScanningExampleManager : MonoBehaviour
[Tooltip(“The scene’s ARScanManager”)]
private ARScanManager _scanManager;
// …

private PointCloudVisualizer _pointCloudVisualizer;

void Start()
    // Set default visualizer
    _scanManager.OnScanResult += ScanResultHandler;


public void ScanButtonPressed()

public void StopButtonPressed()

public void ProcessButtonPressed()
    IScanner.State state = _scanManager.ScannerState;
    if (state == IScanner.State.ScanCompleted)
        // Start processing scan 

public Slider _progressBar;

private void Update()
    IScanner.State state = _scanManager.ScannerState;

    if (state == IScanner.State.Processing)
        _progressBar.value = _scanManager.GetScanProgress();

public void CancelProcessButtonPressed()

private GameObject scannedObject;
private GameObject _scannedObjectPrefab;
public Transform _scannedObjectParent;

private void ScanResultHandler(TexturedMesh texturedMesh, IScanner.State state, Vector3 centerPosition)
    if (texturedMesh != null)
        if (scannedObject == null)
            scannedObject = Instantiate(_scannedObjectPrefab, _scannedObjectParent);
        Bounds meshBoundary = texturedMesh.mesh.bounds;
        scannedObject.transform.localPosition = -1 * meshBoundary.center;
        scannedObject.transform.localScale = Vector3.one / meshBoundary.extents.magnitude;
        scannedObject.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh = texturedMesh.mesh;
        if (texturedMesh.texture != null)
            scannedObject.GetComponent<Renderer>().material.mainTexture = texturedMesh.texture;


Hello Shoib,

Sorry for the confusion, that event has been replaced with ScanProcessed (you can find it in the C# script the the ARScanManager) so instead of _scanManager.OnScanResult += ScanResultHandler, you will want to do _scanManager.ScanProcessed += ScanResultHandler

The arguments are also a little different so in your ScanResultHandler function, the signature should look like private void ScanResultHandler(IScanner.ScanProcessedArgs args) and **args **will contain the TexturedMesh.

If you have any additional questions, please open a separate topic and provide descriptions of your issues so that we can look into them.