Hello all, I’m new to all this. I’m no developer, nor do I have any experience with making games or anything like that, but I want to change that but I’ve no idea where to start. I’ve got a lot on paper for a game, but that’s about it lol.
Best place to start would be downloading Unity and following some beginner tutorials
Unity have a whole bunch of tutorials for free and they can be super useful: http://learn.unity.com/
I’d also recommend learning Blender if you’re looking to do 3D modelling, Andrew Price does really good guides here: https://www.youtube.com/user/AndrewPPrice
Both of those can then lead into using Lightship, as Lightship would be something you’d add into your Unity project and then you’d make use of all the Unity knowledge you picked up in the other tutorials.
Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions and do a lot of Googling - almost every issue I’ve had in Unity has a corresponding answer online from someone who has been there before!
Unity do a ton of interactive tutorials on the Hub, particularly the LEGO one, it’s a lot of fun and gets you learning the engine and the basic programming methodology quickly