Button to download the Maps SDK takes me to github page


I’m following the installation instructions for the Maps SDK here: Installing the Lightship Maps SDK | Niantic Lightship

They say:

  1. Navigate to Niantic Lightship.
  2. Select Maps SDK.
  3. Click the Download Maps SDK (v0.4.0) button.
  4. This will download com.niantic.lightship.maps-0.4.0.tgz to your machine.

When I click that button, it doesn’t download anything, but instead directs me to the github site. I’m not sure how to download this tarball. Can you advise?


Hi Elizabeth,

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. I’ll get back to you on this shortly.

Hi Elizabeth,

The download method has changed recently, sorry for the confusion.

You can add Maps the same way you add ARDK 3 to projects now via git url.

Just go to WindowPackage Manager, click the plus sign on the top left of the package manager window, and select the option to Add package from git URL. Paste the following URL into the box: https://github.com/niantic-lightship/maps-upm.git

If you don’t see the git URL option, you’ll have to install git which you can do so on their site https://git-scm.com/ you can also reference this Unity page for more information

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