Error with Lightship Maps in Unity 2022.3.10f1 - Burst internal compiler error

Issue category**: Lightship Maps Framework
Device type & OS version**: Android
Host machine & OS version**: Windows
Issue Environment** : Unity editor
Unity version**: 2022.3.10f1

Description of the issue:

I had developed an app using ARDK and Lightmaps with Unity version 2021.3.25f1. The app works correctly. However, due to various reasons, I updated the Unity version to 2022.3.10f1. The update had no problems, and the libraries also work correctly. The only issue that I have is a Burst internal compiler error when I open the project.

The error only appears during initialization, but it does not affect the play mode or the build.

Here is the error screen.


I tried to test importing the Maps Sdk into an empty unity project and I had the same result.

Hello, glad to hear this issue isn’t affecting the build but we never like to see compiler errors. A similar issue came up in our Discord channel a while back where Burst wasn’t cooperating with certain versions of Unity. The solution was found here: Would you like to check that out while I try to re-produce the error on this side?


I’m experiencing the same issue (after updating Unity version to 2022.3.14f) as Egroup_Colombia explained.
I want to get a confirmation if it’s okay to go with Unity 2022 for Maps SDK or get back to Unity 2019.