HitTest from GameObject position to ground

  • Issue category: ARDK General
  • ARDK version: 1.0.1
  • Unity version: 2020.3.22f1

I want to do a hit test to see the distance of my GameObject from a ground plane, if there is beneath it. Is it possible to do this? Right now all I can find is HitTest from the current frame in the direction of camera, not from a random point to ground (or any direction I want). Is there a function for this that I can’t find or it doesn’t exist entirely?

Hello Can,

If you follow this link to the documentation, Niantic AR Development Kit (ARDK): User Manual, then go up to the search bar and type in Hittest. You will see all the possible ways Hittest can be used currently. The search bar is in the top right corner. I have enclosed a screenshot for your reference.