How do I turn the map to the north?

  • Issue category: Lightship Maps /ARDK Documentation / Unity Example Package
  • Device type & OS version: Android
  • Host machine & OS version:Windows
  • Issue Environment : On Device
  • Xcode version:
  • ARDK version: 3.4.0
  • Unity version: 2021.3.35

Good afternoon. I’m trying to combine AR mode and LightshipMap. I want to move in AR mode and move around the map accordingly. But the map is not positioned to the north after loading the scene. How do I turn the map to the north?

Hi Sergey,

No Maps feature lets you do this automatically but it does use Web Mercator which might help orient the map to point north once you switch back to the map view:

Jesus_Hernandez. Thank you. I will try.