Multiple ArdkAuthConfigs in Resources/ARDK/ directories error message

I’ve started the tutorial “Getting Started with Niantic Lightship” video from YouTube that uses the ARDKExamples/ContextAwarness/Segmentation/SemanticSegmentation scene.
According to the guide, I’ve added the ArdkAuthConfig file with the relevant token in the Resources/ARDK folder, but still, I get the following error in Unity:

#Niantic.ARDK.Internals.StartupSystems#: There are multiple ArdkAuthConfigs in Resources/ARDK/ directories, loading the first API key found. Remove extra ArdkAuthConfigs to prevent API key problems
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Niantic.ARDK.Utilities.Logging.UnityARLogHandler:Error (string) (at Assets/ARDK/Utilities/Logging/LogHandler/UnityARLogHandler.cs:41)
Niantic.ARDK.Utilities.Logging.ARLog:_Error (string) (at Assets/ARDK/Utilities/Logging/ARLog.cs:202)
Niantic.ARDK.Internals.StartupSystems:SetAuthenticationParameters () (at Assets/ARDK/Internals/StartupSystems.cs:80)
Niantic.ARDK.Internals.StartupSystems:ManualStartup () (at Assets/ARDK/Internals/StartupSystems.cs:58)
Niantic.ARDK.Internals.StartupSystems:EditorStartup () (at Assets/ARDK/Internals/StartupSystems.cs:33)
UnityEditor.EditorAssemblies:ProcessInitializeOnLoadMethodAttributes () (at /Users/bokken/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/EditorAssemblies.cs:154)

The folder Resources/ARDK has only one file

  • Issue category: Sample App
  • Device type & OS version: iOS
  • Host machine & OS version: Mac OS Montrey 12.0.1
  • Issue Environment : Unity
  • Xcode version: N/A
  • ARDK version: 1.0.1
  • Unity version: 2020.3.22f1

Hi Shachar, thanks for writing in. I noticed you have a newer Unity version in your issue, and was wondering if you could try updating it to 2019.4.LTS? Please let us know if the problem still persists with a supported version.

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I’ve found you have to delete the one in the examples, and then place your own in assets/resources/ARDK/asset - Then it works.


Thanks, I found that one you mentioned at Assets/ARDKExamples/Resources/ARDK/ArdkAuthConfig.asset

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Thanks, this definitely should be mentioned in the setup guide

Thank you! Your variant work in my Apple Mac M1 (2021 LTE)