Placement / Raycasting in Lightship simulator bugged (?)

Hi, in the last version 3.4 there was a bug where meshing was not correctly working, depending on the chosen aspect ration in the unity game view. Although it seemingly got fixed, now it seems like placement via a simple physics raycast is not working (in meshing) , again depending on the aspect ratio:

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Hi Tobias,

I’m sorry to hear you’re still having trouble in the simulator. Are you using URP or the built-in render pipeline? Do you have an AROcclusionManager in the scene?

Kind regards,
Maverick L.

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Hi Mav, no worries :slight_smile:

Using URP and yes occlusion manager is in the scene and enabled. Meshing also works fine.

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Hi Tobias,

Unfortunately, the simulator is still going through growing pains – especially with URP – please use the built-in render pipeline (BiRP) for your projects at this time. In the meantime, I will continue to keep our engineering team informed about bug reports regarding the simulation feature.

Maverick L.

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Got it, will do. The Simulator is super valuable and it’s my favourite feature! Team is doing a great job.

Thanks Mav!

Just double checked and onBiRP I get the same issue

Hi Tobias,

We just released 3.6 yesterday if you would like to give that a whirl! There are some minor fixes related to the simulator in there, but – should the upgrade not fix your issue – please try starting the simulator in an aspect ratio other than 4:3 Landscape, verify you cannot raycast, and then try switching to 4:3 Landscape, and verify that raycasting works.

Thank you for your continued loyalty and patience!

Kind regards,
Maverick L.

Hi Mav, thanks a lot! Will give it a try