Greetingsd all from Harad Heide Gundersen

I’m based in oslo retiring from many years of employment at TietoEVRY Norway.
Long experience with Unity VIsual Studio C# HTC Vive, some Hololens 1, Samsung Odyssey, Nreal Light, Recent interests: Blending IoT and OpenCV with AR. (Also some Blender, 3Modeling and Bluetooth comm from NREAL Light to Raspberry Pi/Arduino))
See yah,

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Welcome! Great to see so much experience and excited to see what you can do with lightship

Welcome! So much neat tech tinkering in there :smiley: What have you done with Nreal Light? I’ve still got a pair but haven’t had a chance to properly tinker and build something on them!

Amazing CV, are you interested in sharing some of your experience with a young team?