Issue category: VPS
Device type & OS version: iphone11 pro / iOS 15.5
Host machine & OS version: macOS Monterey version 12.6
Issue Environment : On Device
Xcode version: 13.4
ARDK version: 2.2.1
Unity version: 2020.3.35f1
How do I associate a specific way spot anchor ID with a specific game object?
The Anchor ID reads the value stored in the text.
Hello Noriko,
So the current guidance on where to place a specific wayspot anchor ID is as follow:
- You should store the variable in
Dictionary<IWayspotAnchor, GameObject>
- Look at the
in ARDK-Examples for an example of this approach.
- Determining exactly where to place this variable is up to your discretion.
Please let us know if this helps.
Hi Jason,
I searched the wayspootAnchorExampleManager script but I did not find any reference to dictionary approach above. The ARDK examples was downloaded this past Friday. Perhaps the reference was in an earlier script?
Hello Elias,
Unfortunately the dictionary is not part of the script, but rather a suggestion on how it can be used.
Would you please open a new topic and elaborate a bit more on what is your approach and what you would like to achieve using the anchor ID?