Lightship ARDK Scanning Framework: Object Scanning


Thanks for your clarification. In order to do that, you need to reduce the range and scan only the object you want. There is some ground remover code available to use to remove the ground as well. The demo cooler was scanned using exactly these techniques.

Alternatively, you can also add cropping feature to use together with the scanning framework, so that you crop the parts that you don’t need.

Ground remover sample code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using UnityEngine;

public class GroundRemover : MonoBehaviour
    public static Mesh RemoveGroundPlane(Mesh mesh)
        // Maximum angle from flat for a triangle to be considered ground.
        const float maxAngleDeg = 5.0f;
        var cosMaxAngle = (float) Math.Cos(maxAngleDeg * Math.PI / 180.0);
        // Extract components from the mesh.
        var vertices = new List<Vector3>();
        var indices = new List<int>();
        var uvs = new List<Vector2>();
        mesh.GetTriangles(indices, 0);
        mesh.GetUVs(0, uvs);
        // Find triangles that are facing upwards and are in the bottom 10% of the bound after discarding outliers.
        var coordsY = vertices.Select((v) => v.y).ToList();
        var minY = coordsY[(int)(coordsY.Count * 0.02f)]; 
        var maxY = coordsY[(int)(coordsY.Count * 0.98f)];
        var limitY = minY + 0.1 * (maxY - minY);
        var totalArea = 0.0f;
        var normalSum = new Vector3();
        var groundPoints = new List<Vector3>();
        for (var i = 0; i < indices.Count;)
            var v0 = vertices[indices[i++]];
            var v1 = vertices[indices[i++]];
            var v2 = vertices[indices[i++]];
            var maxVertexY = Math.Max(Math.Max(v0.y, v1.y), v2.y);
            if (maxVertexY > limitY) continue;

            var normal = Vector3.Cross(v1 - v0, v2 - v0);
            var isUpFacing = normal.normalized.y >= cosMaxAngle;
            if (isUpFacing)
                var area = 0.5f * normal.magnitude;
                totalArea += area;
                normalSum += normal;
        // If the total ground area isn't at least 20% of the cross section, don't remove anything.
        if (totalArea < 0.2 * mesh.bounds.size.x * mesh.bounds.size.z)
            return mesh;
        var planeNormal = normalSum.normalized;
        // Find the point on the ground that's farthest above the plane.
        var maxGroundPointIndex = 0;
        var maxDot = -1.0f;
        for (var i = 0; i < groundPoints.Count; i++)
            var dot = Vector3.Dot(planeNormal, groundPoints[i]);
            if (dot > maxDot)
                maxDot = dot;
                maxGroundPointIndex = i;
        var planePoint = groundPoints[maxGroundPointIndex];
        // Clip portions of the mesh that are below the plane.
        var clippedIndices = new List<int>(); 
        for (var i = 0; i < indices.Count;)
            var i0 = indices[i++];
            var i1 = indices[i++];
            var i2 = indices[i++];
            var inside0 = Vector3.Dot(planeNormal, vertices[i0] - planePoint) > 0;
            var inside1 = Vector3.Dot(planeNormal, vertices[i1] - planePoint) > 0;
            var inside2 = Vector3.Dot(planeNormal, vertices[i2] - planePoint) > 0;
            var numInside = (inside0 ? 1 : 0) + (inside1 ? 1 : 0) + (inside2 ? 1 : 0);
            if (numInside == 3)
            else if (numInside == 2)
                // This case is a trapezoid that needs to be split into two triangles (A,1,2) and (B,A,2)
                //             0
                // outside    / \
                // - - - - - A - B - - -   ==>  - - - A--B - - -
                // inside   /     \                  / \_ \        
                //         /       \                /    \_\
                //        1---------2              1-------\2
                Vector3 p0, p1, p2;
                Vector2 uv0, uv1, uv2;
                int corner1, corner2;
                if (!inside0)
                    p0 = vertices[i0];
                    p1 = vertices[i1];
                    p2 = vertices[i2];
                    uv0 = uvs[i0];
                    uv1 = uvs[i1];
                    uv2 = uvs[i2];
                    corner1 = i1;
                    corner2 = i2;
                else if (!inside1)
                    p0 = vertices[i1];
                    p1 = vertices[i2];
                    p2 = vertices[i0];
                    uv0 = uvs[i1];
                    uv1 = uvs[i2];
                    uv2 = uvs[i0];
                    corner1 = i2;
                    corner2 = i0;
                    p0 = vertices[i2];
                    p1 = vertices[i0];
                    p2 = vertices[i1];
                    uv0 = uvs[i2];
                    uv1 = uvs[i0];
                    uv2 = uvs[i1];
                    corner1 = i0;
                    corner2 = i1;
                var a = GetInterpolationFactor(planePoint, planeNormal, p0, p1);
                var b = GetInterpolationFactor(planePoint, planeNormal, p0, p2);
                var nextIndex = vertices.Count;
                vertices.Add(p0 + (p1 - p0) * a);
                vertices.Add(p0 + (p2 - p0) * b);
                uvs.Add(uv0 + (uv1 - uv0) * a);
                uvs.Add(uv0 + (uv2 - uv0) * b);
                clippedIndices.Add(nextIndex + 1);
            else if (numInside == 1)
                // This case is a triangle that just needs to be cropped to the boundary (0,A,B)
                //             0                        0
                // inside     / \                      / \
                // - - - - - A - B - - -  ===>  - - - A---B - - -
                // outside  /     \
                //         1-------2
                Vector3 p0, p1, p2;
                Vector2 uv0, uv1, uv2;
                int corner0;
                if (inside0)
                    p0 = vertices[i0];
                    p1 = vertices[i1];
                    p2 = vertices[i2];
                    uv0 = uvs[i0];
                    uv1 = uvs[i1];
                    uv2 = uvs[i2];
                    corner0 = i0;
                else if (inside1)
                    p0 = vertices[i1];
                    p1 = vertices[i2];
                    p2 = vertices[i0];
                    uv0 = uvs[i1];
                    uv1 = uvs[i2];
                    uv2 = uvs[i0];
                    corner0 = i1;
                    p0 = vertices[i2];
                    p1 = vertices[i0];
                    p2 = vertices[i1];
                    uv0 = uvs[i2];
                    uv1 = uvs[i0];
                    uv2 = uvs[i1];
                    corner0 = i2;
                var a = GetInterpolationFactor(planePoint, planeNormal, p0, p1);
                var b = GetInterpolationFactor(planePoint, planeNormal, p0, p2);
                var nextIndex = vertices.Count;
                vertices.Add(p0 + (p1 - p0) * a);
                vertices.Add(p0 + (p2 - p0) * b);
                uvs.Add(uv0 + (uv1 - uv0) * a);
                uvs.Add(uv0 + (uv2 - uv0) * b);
                clippedIndices.Add(nextIndex + 1);  
        // After clipping, some vertices may no longer be referenced and can be removed.
        var outVertices = new List<Vector3>();
        var outUVs = new List<Vector2>();
        var usedIndices = new HashSet<int>(clippedIndices);
        var indexMap = new Dictionary<int, int>();
        for (var i = 0; i < vertices.Count; i++)
            if (usedIndices.Contains(i))
                indexMap[i] = outVertices.Count;
        var outIndices = clippedIndices.Select((i) => indexMap[i]).ToList();

        // Build and return a mesh.
        var result = new Mesh();
        result.SetUVs(0, outUVs);
        result.SetTriangles(outIndices, 0);
        return result;

    // Returns a value between 0 and 1 that will produce a point on the plane defined
    // by point p and normal n when interpolating between points a and b.
    private static float GetInterpolationFactor(Vector3 p, Vector3 n, Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
        var distA = Vector3.Dot(n, a - p);
        var distB = Vector3.Dot(n, b - p);
        return distA / (distA - distB);
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