Please get me one of example projects from page/videos for android or IOS

Hello! I am fascinated by the possibilities of ARDK. I would like to offer it to my company to create new interesting projects. But it is very difficult for me to present it.

I wanted to ask you about the possibility of downloading one of the workable projects that you presented on “” in the first three videos.

If there is such an opportunity, I would be very grateful to you, thank you!

I’ve already explored the “ARDK Example Scenes” unity package, but I couldn’t find any of the demo projects shown in the video on the main page (

Hello Denis,

None of the projects you saw on the landing page are available for download. But we encourage you to join the community and look at developing your own project. The ARDK is a great tool for putting together new experiences. Here are some helpful links to get you started:

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Thank You! I will try!