Hello! Tom from Taiwan

Hello everyone, I’m Tom. I’m in Taiwan, started learning video game programming since university. Besides programming, I’m fond of the beauty of visual art as well. I’m currently majoring in AR APP Development. I’ve known many artists and peers from my workplace to graduate school who like to explore technology. Hence, I began to have cross-field collaboration, such as installation art, theater design, modern dance, and many more. I love to be inspired and interact in different fields. I’m so excited to ARDK. I will try to add the function of multi-play and I’m looking forward to this SDK.

Feel free to contact about freelance projects or collaborations.

my website

Welcome Tom! Nice to have you here :slight_smile:

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Hello Tom, I am Peng Han from Malaysia. I saw your work and I am blown away. As an artist myself, you have explored art with AR that I never thought of. Hope to be in touch with you.

Discord ID


hope to hear from you soon