SemanticSegmentation - Add color?

  • Issue category : Unity Example Package
  • Device type & OS version : Android
  • Host machine & OS version : Windows 10
  • ARDK version :1.0.1
  • Unity version :Unity2021.2.5f1

I’m currently testing out the ARDK with the SemanticSegmentation sample scene in Unity. I’ve built the app on my android tablet and it works just fine, but I am wondering if it’s possible to change the white color into something different (preferably materials) for each channel (water, building, ground, …).

I just wanted to reach out to let you know we have received your request. I’ve forwarded it to our engineers and it is currently being looked into. Thank you for your patience.

Hello Neetu, I have yet to hear back, but want to check in to see if this is something you still need help with. Were you able to find a solution?

As we still haven’t heard back, we will go ahead and wrap up this thread. Hopefully the issue has been resolved. If you are still having trouble, please open a new topic.

Hey, I’ve been trying to do the same but have yet been able to achieve it.
Was a solution to this found, preferably to render a texture on the masked part?