Use a specific map ID for Wayspot/VPS localization

Hi Matthew, there have been many changes to VPS from beta to production, mapID and Niantic.ARDK.Extensions.Localization changed in this transition. MapIDs offered limited functionality and we had to move away from them.

Currently, we’re using Wayspot Anchors, the expected flow is below:

  1. Go to a VPS activated Wayspot (guided by the VPS Coverage API)
  2. Start VPS localization (no map specified, VPS will attempt to localize device with any maps in vicinity).
  3. Create and/or resolve WayspotAnchors. These are what you should be “anchoring” your experiences around (ie link game content to a WayspotAnchor instead of to a map identifier).

Also, take a look at our Using Wayspot Anchors documentation for more information.

To learn more about what’s coming in future releases, please see our Lightship ARDK Roadmap.