[nerd alert: this is a technical demo rather than, you know, content™]
After a lot of trial, error and shader adjustments, I got lightship playing nice with OpenXR (in the Unity Editor), providing the ability to mesh surfaces within VR. Because plane detection seems to be the only working mock feature at the moment, that’s what we’re using, but once that’s fixed, there’s no reason segmentation, meshing and features shouldn’t work as well. I’d love to see an OpenXR runtime work someday! (Although, of course, it would incur serious refactoring, seeing as the current stack has ARKit/Core SLAM dependencies).
For more information around this and why we (that is, the company I work for, Pluto) is interested in this AR-in-VR work, check out my thread.
Unrelated: excited to check out everyone’s winter challenge submissions! Good luck!