ARDK project using the Universal Render Pipeline (URP) for iOS

Hello, Lightship development community!

There is a black screen issue you may encounter when deploying the URP project on a iOS device if you follow the Using the Universal Render Pipeline guide.

To overcome that issue, please try to follow the steps below to set up the URP project.

  1. Create a new Unity project using the 3D (URP) template.
  2. Import both the latest version of ARDK and ARDK examples, into your project.
  3. Add your API key to the ArdkAuthConfig asset.
  4. In Build Settings, switch the platform to iOS.
  5. Open Player Settings and add a Camera Usage Description and Location Usage Description.
  6. Go to Project Settings > Graphics and change the Scriptable Render Pipeline Settings to ArdkUrpAsset (Universal Render Pipeline Asset).
  7. Go to Project Settings > Quality.
  8. Select Performant, then change the Render Pipeline Asset to ArdkUrpAsset (Universal Render Pipeline Asset).
  9. Repeat the previous step for the Balanced and High Fidelity quality settings.
  10. In Build Settings, remove any Scenes In Build that are present, then add the PlaneAnchors scene to the Scenes In Build.
  11. Build the app and deploy it to your device, and then launch and test it.

Thanks for following along with this solution.


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