Black Screen ImageDEtection example

  • Issue category: Unity Example Package
  • Device type & OS version: Android +12
  • Host machine & OS version: Windows
  • Issue Environment : On Device
  • ARDK version: 2.1.0
  • Unity version: 2020.3.25f1

Good afternoon :hugs:

I have a question concerning the ImageDetection example included in Niantics library.

I’ve been having problems with the implementation in Androids versions from 12 to 14, since I have no image other than a black screen until the program detects one of the referred images.

How can I prevent this to happen, even with newer versions?

I’ve made sure all configurations are correct and the same app is working properly with Android 11.

I’ve attached evidence where the problem is totally visible.

Thanks :blush:

Hello! We no longer offer support for ARDK 2.X. I could assist with your issue but first, you’d need to upgrade to ARDK 3.

If your project is fresh, then I’d recommend starting a new Unity project and following our startup guide for setting up ARDK in a new project. In contrast, if you’re already far along in your project, then you could alternatively check out our migration guide to help transfer your project from ARDK 2 to ARDK 3.