Is POI available in the ARDK?


Is there an API that allows us to access POI data (Gym, Wayfarer) ?

My app will drive users to interesting places (POIs) and it would be super helpful if the ARDK supplied this POI data.

If POI data exists, please send me a link to the relevant documentation.

If it’s something planned for the future, is there an ETA?


Hi Dylan,
The ARDK does not include POIs currently, and as they are not on the current roadmap, we aren’t able to provide an ETA at this time. Although it isn’t expected they will be included within Lightship, I’ve forwarded a feature request to engineering for consideration.

Thanks Eric.

We’ll probably build our own POI database using UGC similar to Wayfarer.

If any other devs have an interest in POI data, let me know. A rising tide lifts all boats - perhaps I can share : )


We are using curated OSM data for POIs and plan to accommodate UGC down the road. I am happy to share how we have approached this if it would help your efforts.