Virtual Studio Remote unexpected behavior

  • Issue category: ARDK Virtual Studio Tools
  • Device type & OS version: iOS
  • Host machine & OS version: Mac
  • Issue Environment : Unity Remote
  • Xcode version: 13.4.1
  • ARDK version: 2.0
  • Unity version: 2020.3.34

Description of the issue:
I’m attempting to use the Virtual Studio Remote via the internet connection. However, when I click the “Internet” button the app switches from the initial pink screen to the green “connected” screen so fast I don’t have an opportunity to type in the pin. Aside from displaying the green “Connected to the editor!” screen, nothing else happens.

Hi Natalie,

We would recommend switching to USB mode. Based on what you described in your post, this is a known issue that is currently affecting Wireless Mode. I would also like to point out that we also no longer support wireless mode and will be deprecating it in a coming release, so switching to USB would be a better move regardless.

Hi Jesus - Ah, I see. Thanks for the heads up - I’ll switch over to USB.

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