Include the following details (edit as applicable):
- Issue category: Multiplayer / ARDK Documentation / Unity Example Package / Networking
- Device type & OS version: Oneplus 6 (Android 11) / iPad 5th gen (iPadOS 16.2
- Host machine & OS version: Oneplus 6 (Android 11) / iPad 5th gen (iPadOS 16.2)
- Issue Environment : On Device
- Xcode version: 14.2 Build version 14C18
- ARDK version: ARDK 3.0 Beta 2
- Unity version: 2021.3.20f1
Description of the issue:
Hey !
I was testing the new SharedAR sample scene for multiplayer. The build runs well on both devices (I am using a OnePlus 6 and an iPad) and I am able to localize to the private scan and host a session using either of the two devices. But every evetime I attempt to join the network as a client from the second device, the event OnClientDisconnectedCallback
is fired off and I see Disconnected From Network
prompt on the debug UI provided by the sample scene.
The client device never connects and I cannot see any pings or peer count go up on Host device.
I did not make any changes in the sample scene except for adding my private VPS scan as ARLocation for co-localization.
I join first as Host using one device and then attempt to join as client from the other device.
Any help/insights regarding this would be a huge help. Thanks in advance !