Pong ARDKExamples Prefab instances source

Include the following details (edit as applicable):

  • Issue category: Multiplayer / ARDK Documentation / Unity Example Package
  • Device type & OS version: iOS
  • Host machine & OS version: Mac
  • Issue Environment : Unity
  • Xcode version:
  • ARDK version: v1.1.0
  • Unity version: 2021.2.6f1

Description of the issue:

Encountering “All Prefab instances without a source Prefab Asset must be fixed before you can enter playmode!” after copying Assets/ARDKExamples/Pong into Assets/Scenes/Pong (similar to Assets/Scenes/Placement video tutorial which I had success with).

Attached console:

I’m pretty new to Unity dev, so any basic pointer helps greatly!

Hello Heeroll,
It seems that you are attempting to use prefab objects that aren’t available in your assets. Something may have been missing from when you copied over the project files. Simply importing the ARDK and Examples packages in their entirety should resolve the issue. Please download the most recent versions here: https://lightship.dev/account/downloads, and import the full packages into Unity as found here: https://lightship.dev/docs/building_ios.html. If you are new to development and looking for pointers, the official Lightship tutorials are a great place to start. I would also suggest checking out Unity Learn: https://learn.unity.com/.

Hi @Erik_Brown I’ve re-downloaded the Getting Started project, re-imported both ARDK and ARDK-examples with same issue. Note that other examples work fine. Seems to be a Unity 2021.2.x specific issue, downgrading to 2019.4 LTS works.

Can you send a screenshot of what prefabs are missing? I was able to get similar issues with the Pong example scene, however these are only warnings and don’t stop build on my side. Any of the prefabs used in Lightship will come with the ARDK, so it should just be a matter of finding them if they aren’t linked in the new project. Prefabs will have a blue appearance and can be added to empty fields in the inspector by clicking on the bullseye style icon on the right of the object field.

Hello Heeroll,

I’m glad using 2019.4 LTS resolved the issue. It is currently the only supported version of Unity, though Lightship will continue to improve. Support for Unity 2020 LTS and M1 Macs is a current priority on our roadmap for expanded developer environment compatibility.


@Erik_Brown Just wanted to say that this issue is still present in mid May… hopefully it can be solved soon!