Real time mapping for persistent experiences

  • Issue category: Multiplayer / ARDK Documentation / Unity Example Package
  • Device type & OS version: Android / iOS /
  • Host machine & OS version: Mac OS Monterey 12.2.1 MBP 16" M1 Max/32GB
  • Unity version: 2021.2.13f1

Description of the issue:

Hello I am trying to get started with creating persistent experiences. I was able to build the ARDK example scenes and there is a localization scene which I assume I’d use for this task. It wants a VPS URL and Map UUID. I can’t find any info in the documentation about this. Where do I get a VPS URL and how do I create the training maps to localize to?


Hi Sam, the localization example scene is related to ARDK’s Visual Positioning System (VPS), which is currently in closed beta. We’ll have more details to share about the feature towards the end of May.

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