Mock Scene doesn't work, when "Reload Domain on Play Mode" is turned off

  • Issue category: ARDK Virtual Studio Tools
  • Host machine & OS version: Mac
  • Issue Environment : Unity Mock
  • ARDK version: 2.5.2
  • Unity version: 2021.3.16

Bug reproduction steps:
Mock Scene doesn’t work, when the Project Settings > Editor > Enter Play Mode Settings > Reload Domain is turned off. If the mentioned checkbox is unchecked, playing the scene in the editor the mock scene doesn’t show up, you just see a solid black color instead of the camera image.

Hi Adam,

If you’re getting a working image when the domain reload is enabled on play, but you’re not when it’s disabled, then it’s likely that part of that mocking system is relying on a domain reload in order to start working normally again. Is there a particular reason why you need it off?

The only reason I have that setting off, because it makes iterations faster during development. I can live with enabling it.